So I got myself some IR transistors and IR LEDs and breadboarded this circuit:
Image from |
And while tracking the voltage at VA3 with a Salea logic analyser I got plots like these:
Zooming in on each peak revealed this pattern:
Combining this information and doing a duckduckgo revealed that this were the NEC1 protocol. Carrier is 38 kHz, there are 32 bits of data and a stop bit in each burst. Every burst starts with a 9 ms carrier on followed by 4.5 ms off. A pulse of 564 us followed by 564 us off is a "0". A pulse and 1692 us off is 1 one. And there is a last pulse indicating the end of the burst. Repeating commands, e.g. "Volume Up" can be done by a 40 ms delay followed by a 9 ms carrier on, 2.25 ms off and a stop bit. More repeats are done with a 96 ms delay instead of the original 40 ms delay.
MDCDR 01011110101000011001001101101100
DTVCBL 01011110101000010010101011010101
VOLUP 01011110101000010101100010100111
VOLDOWN 01011110101000011101100000100111
PWRON 01011110101000011011100001000111
PWROFF 01011110101000010111100010000111
TUNER 01011110101000010110100010010111
CD 01011110101000011010100001010111
MUTE 01011110101000010011100011000111
DVD 01011110101000011000001101111100
VAUX 01011110101000011010101001010101
VCR1 01011110101000011111000000001111
DVRVCR2 01011110101000011100100000110111
The PWRON, PWROFF and MUTE buttons did not work on my remote, but I found them on They had all of the codes.
I then used some eevblog code to transmit this through a IR LED. The repeats for the volume controls are enough to change the volume 3 dB. |
#define IRLEDpin 2 //the arduino pin connected to IR LED to ground. HIGH=LED ON #define BITtime 560 //length of the carrier bit in microseconds 562 //put your own code here - 4 bytes (ADDR1 | ADDR2 | COMMAND1 | COMMAND2) unsigned long TVON = 0b00100000110111110001000011101111; unsigned long MDCDR = 0b01011110101000011001001101101100; unsigned long DTVCBL = 0b01011110101000010010101011010101; unsigned long VOLUP = 0b01011110101000010101100010100111; unsigned long VOLDOWN = 0b01011110101000011101100000100111; unsigned long PWRON = 0b01011110101000011011100001000111; unsigned long PWROFF = 0b01011110101000010111100010000111; unsigned long TUNER = 0b01011110101000010110100010010111; unsigned long CD = 0b01011110101000011010100001010111; unsigned long MUTE = 0b01011110101000010011100011000111; unsigned long DVD = 0b01011110101000011000001101111100; unsigned long VAUX = 0b01011110101000011010101001010101; unsigned long VCR1 = 0b01011110101000011111000000001111; unsigned long DVRVCR2 = 0b01011110101000011100100000110111; String serial_command=""; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.setTimeout(1000); IRsetup();//Only need to call this once to setup } void IRsetup(void) { pinMode(IRLEDpin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, LOW); //turn off IR LED to start } // Ouput the 38KHz carrier frequency for the required time in microseconds // This is timing critial and just do-able on an Arduino using the standard I/O functions. // If you are using interrupts, ensure they disabled for the duration. void IRcarrier(unsigned int IRtimemicroseconds) { for(int i=0; i < (IRtimemicroseconds / 26); i++) { digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, HIGH); //turn on the IR LED //NOTE: digitalWrite takes about 3.5us to execute, so we need to factor that into the timing. delayMicroseconds(9); //delay for 13us (9us + digitalWrite), half the carrier frequnecy digitalWrite(IRLEDpin, LOW); //turn off the IR LED delayMicroseconds(9); //delay for 13us (9us + digitalWrite), half the carrier frequnecy } } //Sends the IR code in 4 byte NEC format void IRsendCode(unsigned long code) { //send the leading pulse IRcarrier(9000); //9ms of carrier delayMicroseconds(4500); //4.5ms of silence //send the user defined 4 byte/32bit code for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { IRcarrier(BITtime); //turn on the carrier for one bit time if (code & 0x80000000) //get the current bit by masking all but the MSB delayMicroseconds(3 * BITtime); //a HIGH is 3 bit time periods else delayMicroseconds(BITtime); code<<=1; } IRcarrier(BITtime); //STOP bit. } void loop() { serial_command=""; if (Serial.available()>0) { serial_command = Serial.readString(); if (serial_command.indexOf("PWRON") == 0) { IRsendCode(PWRON); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("PWROFF") == 0) { IRsendCode(PWROFF); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("TUNER") == 0) { IRsendCode(TUNER); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("CD") == 0) { IRsendCode(CD); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("MUTE") == 0) { IRsendCode(MUTE); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("DVD") == 0) { IRsendCode(DVD); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("VAUX") == 0) { IRsendCode(VAUX); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("VCR1") == 0) { IRsendCode(VCR1); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("DVRVCR2") == 0) { IRsendCode(DVRVCR2); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("MDCDR") == 0) { IRsendCode(MDCDR); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("DTVCBL") == 0) { IRsendCode(DTVCBL); delay(500); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("VOLUP") == 0) { IRsendCode(VOLUP); delay(40); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.25);//2.23 IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.25);//2.23 IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("VOLDOWN") == 0) { IRsendCode(VOLDOWN); delay(40); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); delay(96.28); IRcarrier(9000); delay(2.23); IRcarrier(BITtime); } else if (serial_command.indexOf("TVON") == 0) { IRsendCode(TVON); delay(40); } } }
I used an old Arduino Nano and the 5V USB source on that board to power the LED.
I then put the IR LED in front of the IR receiver on the amplifier.
Connecting to the '/dev/ttyUSB0' port gave me a lot of trouble, it turned out that I had to wait 4 seconds from opening the port to actually using it. This made it clear that I had to create a system with a server controlling the serial port.
#! /usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import socket, sys, signal, serial, time bytesize=8 parity='N' stopbits=1 timeout=3 port_name = '/dev/ttyUSB0' ser = serial.Serial(port_name, baudrate=9600, bytesize=bytesize, parity=parity, stopbits=stopbits, timeout=timeout) time.sleep(4) #print( #which port SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1 sigterm_exit = False def exit_check(_signo, _stack_frame): global sigterm_exit sigterm_exit = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_check) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_check) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT) sock.bind(('',31442)) while not sigterm_exit: try: msg, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) print time.ctime(), msg ser.write(msg) ser.flush() except socket.timeout: pass except socket.error: # prob the SIGINT, sigterm_exit is True now pass ser.close() print 'done'
This is a UDP server, listening at port 31442. It just relays commands to the serial port.
The final steps is taken in KODI.
At startup KODI now selects the sound channel KODI is playing through. This is the file '' in '.kodi/userdata'.
import socket import xbmc sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) addr = ("", 31442) sock.sendto('DTVCBL', addr) #this is the channel for kodi/youtube sock.close() xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Videos, Files)')
The last change were create a keymap file in '.kodi/userdata/keymaps'
<keymap> <global> <keyboard> <numpadminus>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, VOLDOWN)</numpadminus> <numpadplus>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, VOLUP)</numpadplus> <numpadtimes>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, DTVCBL)</numpadtimes> </keyboard> </global> <FullscreenVideo> <keyboard> <numpadminus>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, VOLDOWN)</numpadminus> <numpadplus>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, VOLUP)</numpadplus> <numpadtimes>RunScript(/home/pwr/.kodi/userdata/, DTVCBL)</numpadtimes> </keyboard> </FullscreenVideo> </keymap>