Monday, November 28, 2016

More sensors for Tellstick local access

After obtaining local network access to the Tellstick net I also have a wind sensor and a rain sensor close to my Tellstick net. Again, translating the Telldus .cpp code to python, the following python code gives the same results as the Telldus Live page. The code for the 1984/1994 sensors are identical except for the:
checksum = checksum + 0x1 + 0x9 + 0x8 + 0x4
checksum = checksum + 0x1 + 0x9 + 0x9 + 0x4
checksum calculation. Here are the python code.
def decode2914(inp):
#// rain
value = int(inp, 16)
messageChecksum1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
messageChecksum2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain4 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain5 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
totRain6 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
rainRate1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
rainRate2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
rainRate3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
rainRate4 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
battery = value & 0xF #// PROBABLY battery
value  = value >> 4
rollingcode = ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
checksum =    ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
value  = value >> 8
channel = value & 0xF
checksum = checksum + totRain1 + totRain2 + totRain3 + totRain4 + totRain5 + totRain6 +\
rainRate1 + rainRate2 + rainRate3 + rainRate4 +\
battery + channel + 0x2 + 0x9 + 0x1 + 0x4
if (((checksum >> 4) & 0xF) != messageChecksum1 or (checksum & 0xF) != messageChecksum2):
#// checksum error
return ""
totRain = ((totRain1 * 100000) + (totRain2 * 10000) + (totRain3 * 1000) +\
(totRain4 * 100) + (totRain5 * 10) + totRain6)/1000.0*25.4
rainRate = ((rainRate1 * 1000) + (rainRate2 * 100) + (rainRate3 * 10) + rainRate4)/100.0*25.4

return "%f\t%f"%(totRain, rainRate)

def decode1994(inp):
value = int(inp, 16)
crcCheck = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
messageChecksum1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
messageChecksum2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
unknown1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
unknown2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
direction = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
battery = value & 0xF  #// PROBABLY battery
value  = value >> 4
rollingcode = ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
checksum =    ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
value  = value >> 8
channel = value & 0xF
checksum = checksum + unknown1 + unknown2 + avg1 + avg2 + avg3 + gust1 + gust2 + gust3 + direction + battery + channel
checksum = checksum + 0x1 + 0x9 + 0x9 + 0x4
if (((checksum >> 4) & 0xF) != messageChecksum1 or (checksum & 0xF) != messageChecksum2):
#// checksum error
return ""
avg = ((avg1 * 100) + (avg2 * 10) + avg3)/10.0
gust = ((gust1 * 100) + (gust2 * 10) + gust3)/10.0
directiondegree = 22.5 * direction
return '%f\t%f\t%f'%(avg, gust, directiondegree)

def decode1984(inp):
#// wind
value = int(inp, 16)
crcCheck = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
messageChecksum1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
messageChecksum2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
avg3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
gust3 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
unknown1 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
unknown2 = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
direction = value & 0xF
value  = value >> 4
battery = value & 0xF  #// PROBABLY battery
value  = value >> 4
rollingcode = ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
checksum =    ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
value  = value >> 8
channel = value & 0xF
checksum = checksum + unknown1 + unknown2 + avg1 + avg2 + avg3 + gust1 + gust2 + gust3 + direction + battery + channel
checksum = checksum + 0x1 + 0x9 + 0x8 + 0x4
if (((checksum >> 4) & 0xF) != messageChecksum1 or (checksum & 0xF) != messageChecksum2):
#// checksum error
return ""
avg = ((avg1 * 100) + (avg2 * 10) + avg3)/10.0
gust = ((gust1 * 100) + (gust2 * 10) + gust3)/10.0
directiondegree = 22.5 * direction

return '%f\t%f\t%f'%(avg, gust, directiondegree)
Just add some more checks in the while loop
while 1:
data,(address, port) = sock.recvfrom(1040)
#print data
if (data.split(":")[6][6:10]=="F824"):
#print data.split(":")[7][5:5+14]
print decodeF824(data.split(":")[7][5:5+14])
elif (data.split(":")[6][6:10]=="1984"):
#print data.split(":")[7][5:5+16]
print decode1984(data.split(":")[7][5:5+16])
elif (data.split(":")[6][6:10]=="2914"):
#print data.split(":")[7][5:5+16]
print decode2914(data.split(":")[7][5:5+16])
print data
#fp.write(data + '\n');
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "done"
except: # time out, try again

Friday, November 25, 2016

Local access to Tellstick net via python

I installed a Tellstick net and were pretty baffled that there were no obvious way to access the thing locally. At least according to my internet search.

Telldus are providing source codes for free, the only problem seems to be how the information is arranged.

By piecing together information found various places I came up with the following:

Send an udp message on port 30303, all Tellstick net devices on the local network will respond to this with a string containing some unit specific information AND the IP address on the network.

data, (address, port) = sock.recvfrom(1024)

Then send a command that will make the Tellstick net echo the sensor information back via upd:

sock.sendto("B:reglistener", (address, 42314)) #I really love those port numbers

Read the upd port and filter for the sensors you want. This is how a Oregon model F824 output could look like:


There are a lot regarding decoding Oregon data on the internet, I translated the telldus-core .cpp to python.

And it works, sometimes the output can be .1C or 1% humidity off compared to my Oregon display. The values match the values from Telldus Live though.

import socket
from datetime import timedelta
import time
def decodeF824(inp):
value = int(inp, 16)
crcCheck = value & 0xF
value = value>>4
messageChecksum1 = value & 0xF
value = value >>4
messageChecksum2 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
unknown = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
hum1 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
hum2 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
neg = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
temp1 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
temp2 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
temp3 = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
battery = value & 0xF
value = value >> 4
rollingcode = ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
checksum = ((value >> 4) & 0xF) + (value & 0xF)
value = value >> 8
channel = value & 0xF
checksum += unknown + hum1 + hum2 + neg + temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + battery + channel + 0xF + 0x8 + 0x2 + 0x4
if ((((checksum >> 4) & 0xF) != messageChecksum1) or ((checksum & 0xF) != messageChecksum2)):
return ""
temperature = ((temp1 * 100) + (temp2 * 10) + temp3)/10.0
if (neg):
temperature = -temperature
humidity = (hum1 * 10.0) + hum2
retStr = "class:sensor;protocol:oregon;model:F824;id:"  #14;temp:0.0;humidity:46;
retStr = '%s%d;temp:%1.1f;humidity:%d;'%(retStr,rollingcode,temperature,humidity)
return retStr

DISCOVERY_ADDRESS = '<broadcast>'
DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT = timedelta(seconds=5)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
data, (address, port) = sock.recvfrom(1024)
print data, address, port
#fp = open("", "w")
print "listening..."
#UDPSock.sendto("A:disconnect", (address,42314)) #will reboot the Tellstick net
sock.sendto("B:reglistener", (address, 42314))
while 1:
data,(address, port) = sock.recvfrom(10240)
print data
if (data.split(":")[6][6:10]=="F824"):
print decodeF824(data.split(":")[7][5:5+14])
#fp.write(data + '\n');
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "done"
except: # time out, try again